As a result of National Lottery Funding we are recruiting for a Children and Young People Support Worker to develop and enhance our Children and Young Person service.
Job Title: Children and Young People Support Worker
Responsible to: Team Leader / Head of Service
Salary/Grade: £20,121.92 - £25,152.40 per annum (£13.82 per hour)
Annual leave 28 days per annum (plus public holidays) – pro rata for part time
Hours: 28 – 35 hours per week
Base: RASASC NW Centres, Bangor and / or Rhyl
This post is subject to an enhanced DBS check.
This post is subject to a six month probation period.
The post holder must be currently eligible to work in the UK.
The post holder must hold a full UK Driving licence and applicants should note that the role requires a significant amount of travel across North Wales
Established in 1984, RASASC NW is a registered charity providing specialist support and therapy to children (3+) and adults living in North Wales, who have experienced any form of child sexual abuse, sexual abuse / violence and / or rape, whether this has happened recently or in the past. We also provide specialist support and therapy to partners and family members of those who have been affected by sexual abuse and violence.
Job Role
- To provide practical and emotional support to children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse, whilst they are either waiting for or accessing RASASC NW therapeutic counselling. This role will lead on delivering play therapy sessions, activity sessions, 1-1 support sessions and facilitating a peer support programme. Delivery of these sessions and programmes will improve the emotional and physical well-being of the children and young people involved, reduce participants levels of distress and enable children and young people to be better able to manage their emotions and behaviours
- To support and co-deliver a range of dynamic and engaging education and wellbeing interventions to children, young people, adults and professionals on a wide range of topics including sexual health, reproductive health, relationships and wellbeing.
Main Duties
- The post holder will create a safe, supportive, trauma informed environment for children and young people referred to the RASASC NW services.
- Assist with the delivery of our Don’t Steal My Future Programme.
- Assist with delivering group work to Children and Young People, and parents / guardians of children who’ve been subjected to sexual abuse.
- Attend outreach and community engagement events, in order to increase awareness and raise the profile of RASASC NW.
- Communicate and engage with individuals who have experienced sexual abuse.
- Work to empower and support children and young people to make positive choices and regain control of their lives.
- Ensure that any issues in relation to safeguarding children or vulnerable adults are brought to the immediate attention of RASASC’s Safeguarding Lead.
- Undertake administrative tasks, keep records of service activity, and contribute to development of monitoring and evaluation tools. This will include providing details of activities to the senior management team so they can update funders.
- Provide access to information to individuals who have experienced sexual abuse / violence.
- Contribute to the assessment of victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse.
- Deliver interventions towards increasing the safety of individual children and young people by providing 1-1 support sessions utilising appropriate resources for children and young people.
- Support young victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse within safe accommodation, helping them to navigate their way around refuge life, gain a better understand sexual abuse and cope with specific anxieties and concerns.
- Provide group support to children and young people
- Ensure that children identified as needing additional support are signposted for external services e.g. safeguarding, domestic abuse, CAMHS
- Ensure that parents are aware of, and encouraged to, reinforce the positive support work being carried out with their children in activity sessions, during family time.
- Develop and maintain an inventory of all equipment and resources.
- Ensure all services and activities provided are delivered in line with the Play Work Principles, as established by Play Wales, and the five core principles of Trauma Informed Care, which are: Safety, Trustworthiness, Choice, Collaboration and Empowerment.
Person Specification
- Knowledge and understanding of the issues facing those experiencing Sexual Abuse
- Knowledge and understanding of trauma and how it affects children and young people
- Ability to communicate sensitively with individuals who may be distressed, in a trauma informed way
- Knowledge of a range of options for, and rights of those experiencing sexual abuse
- Understanding of Safeguarding, and the legal responsibilities surrounding these issues
- Ability to liaise with external organisations
- Ability to work under pressure and to plan and prioritise own workload
- Ability to communicate effectively with a range of professionals
- Ability to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries when working with those who are
- experiencing crisis
- Ability to maintain effective office systems and use an electronic case management database
- Ability to manage time effectively and prioritise competing tasks
- Knowledge of relevant legislation relating to sexual abuse
- Knowledge of welfare benefits
- An understanding of the needs of minority groups experiencing sexual abuse
- Excellent verbal and written communications skills
- Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities
- Full UK driving licence and use of own vehicle
- Flexibility to travel locally and cover other counties if needed
Desirable Experience
- Providing support to individuals experiencing sexual abuse, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity OR Demonstrable transferable skills and good knowledge and understanding of the issues facing children and young people experiencing sexual abuse
- Experience of running therapeutic sessions with children and young people
- Risk assessment and support / safety planning
- Data recording – preferably experience with electronic data recording systems
- Report writing and the collection and analysis of data
- Building and maintaining partnerships
Personal Attributes
- Be compassionate and empathetic with your client’s situation.
- Act with integrity and respect when working with all clients, agencies, and Individuals
- Work flexibly as part of a team
- Be optimistic about the possibility of personal growth and change
- Motivate individuals and agencies to move through courses of action and decision-making processes
Personal Qualities, Attitude And Presentation
It is desirable that the post holder has the following qualities:
- Commitment to anti-discriminatory practice
- Able to critically assess own performance and reflect on own practice
- Reliable and trustworthy
- Efficient and punctual
- Consistent and flexible – able to deal with changing and competing demands
- Ability to think creatively and show initiative
- Non-judgemental and non-directive approach to empowering survivors along with the ability to understand the individual needs of clients
Corporate Responsibilities
The above range of duties and responsibilities is not exhaustive: post holders will be expected to perform work of a similar level and responsibility when requested to do so.
The postholder will be expected to:
- Remain up-to-date and compliant with all organisational procedures, policies, values and
- professional codes of conduct and uphold standards of best practice.
- Observe duty to all Health and Safety rules and take all reasonable care to promote the health and safety of themself and others.
- Act in a way that supports and promotes RASASC NW’s Equal Opportunities Policy, which aims to ensure everyone has equal treatment and equal access to employment and services.
- Work in an effective, efficient and economical way, and to suggest and implement improved ways of working wherever possible.
Teitl y Swydd: Gweithiwr Cymorth Plant a Phobl Ifanc
Yn atebol i’r: Arweinydd Tîm / Pennaeth Gwasanaeth
Graddfa Gyflog: £20,121.92- £25,152.40 y flwyddyn (£13.82 yr awr)
Gwyliau blynyddol: 28 diwrnod y flwyddyn (a gwyliau cyhoeddus) – pro rata ar gyfer rhan amser
Oriau: 28 -35 awr yr wythnos
Lleoliad Gwaith: Canolfannnau RASASC Gogledd Cymru Bangor a / neu Rhyl
Dyddiad cau: 20 Medi 2024
Bydd gofyn cael archwiliad manwl gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd ar gyfer y swydd hon.
Mae’r swydd hon yn amodol ar gwblhau cyfnod prawf o chwe mis.
Rhaid i ddeiliad y swydd fod yn gymwys i weithio yn y DU ar hyn o bryd.
Rhaid i ddeiliad y swydd feddu ar Drwydded Yrru lawn y DU a dylai ymgeiswyr nodi bod y rôl yn gofyn am gryn dipyn o deithio ar draws Gogledd Cymru.
Y Swydd
- Darparu cymorth ymarferol ac emosiynol i blant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi profi cam-drin rhywiol, tra eu bod naill ai’n aros am neu’n defnyddio cwnsela therapiwtig RASAC GC. Bydd y swydd hon yn arwain at ddarparu sesiynau therapi chwarae, sesiynau gweithgaredd, sesiynau cymorth un i un a hwyluso rhaglen cymorth gan gymheiriaid. Bydd y broses o gyflwyno’r sesiynau a’r rhaglenni hyn yn gwella llesiant emosiynol a chorfforol y plant a’r bobl ifanc dan sylw. Lleihau lefelau o drallod sydd gan gyfranogwyr, a galluogi plant a phobl ifanc i reoli eu hemosiynau a’u hymddygiad yn well.
- Cefnogi a chyd-ddarparu amrywiaeth o ymyriadau addysg a llesiant deinamig a diddorol i blant, pobl ifanc, oedolion a gweithwyr proffesiynol ar amrywiaeth eang o bynciau fel iechyd rhywiol, iechyd atgenhedlon, perthnasoedd a llesiant.
Prif Ddyletswyddau
- Bydd deiliad y swydd yn creu amgylchedd diogel a chefnogol sy’n ystyriol o drawma ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc sy’n cael eu hatgyfeirio at wasanaethau RASASCGC.
- Cynorthwyo gyda chyflwyno ein Rhaglen Peidiwch â Dwyn Fy Nyfodol.
- Helpu i gyflwyno gwaith grŵp i blant a phobl ifanc a rhieni / gwarcheidwaid plant sydd wedi cael eu cam-drin yn rhywiol.
- Mynychu digwyddiadau allgymorth ac ymgysylltu cymunedol, er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth a chodi proffil RASASC GC.
- Cyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu ag unigolion sydd wedi cael eu cam-drin yn rhywiol.
- Gweithio i rymuso a chefnogi plant / pobl ifanc i wneud dewisiadau cadarnhaol ac adennill rheolaeth dros eu bywydau.
- Sicrhau bod unrhyw faterion sy’n ymwneud â diogelu plant neu oedolion sy’n agored i niwed yn cael eu dwyn i sylw’r Arweinydd Diogelu yn RASASC ar unwaith.
- Ymgymryd â thasgau gweinyddol, cadw cofnodion o weithgarwch y gwasanaeth, a chyfrannu at ddatblygu offer monitro a gwerthuso. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys darparu manylion gweithgareddau i’r uwch dîm rheoli er mwyn iddynt fod yn gallu rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gyllidwyr.
- Darparu mynediad at wybodaeth i unigolion sydd wedi dioddef trais/cam-drin rhywiol.
- Cyfrannu at asesu dioddefwyr a goroeswyr trais a cham-drin rhywiol.
- Darparu ymyriadau tuag at wella diogelwch plant a phobl ifanc unigol drwy ddarparu sesiynau cymorth un i un gan ddefnyddio adnoddau priodol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.
- Cefnogi dioddefwyr ifanc a goroeswyr trais a cham-drin rhywiol mewn llety diogel, gan eu helpu i lywio eu ffordd o amgylch bywyd lloches, cael gwell dealltwriaeth o gam-drin rhywiol ac ymdopi â phryderon penodol.
- Cynnig sesiynau grŵp i blant a phobl ifanc
- Sicrhau bod plant sy’n cael eu hadnabod fel rhai sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol arnynt yn cael eu hatgyfeirio at wasanaethau allanol, ee diogelu, cam-drin domestig, CAMHS
- Sicrhau bod rhieni’n cael eu hannog i atgyfnerthu’r gwaith cefnogi cadarnhaol sy’n cael ei wneud gyda’u plant mewn sesiynau gweithgaredd yn ystod amser teuluol, a sicrhau eu bod yn ymwybodol o hynny.
- Datblygu a chynnal rhestr o’r holl offer ac adnoddau.
- Sicrhau bod yr holl wasanaethau a’r gweithgareddau a ddarperir yn cael eu cyflawni yn unol â’r Egwyddorion Gwaith Chwarae, fel y sefydlwyd gan Chwarae Cymru, ac yn unol â phum egwyddor graidd Gofal sy’n Ystyriol o Drawma, sef: Diogelwch, Ymddiriedaeth, Dewis, Cydweithio a Grymuso.
Manlyleb Person
- Gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o'r problemau sy'n wynebu’r rheini sy’n dioddef Cam-drin Rhywiol
- Gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o drawma a sut mae’n effeithio ar blant a phobl ifanc
- Gallu cyfathrebu’n sensitif ag unigolion a allai fod wedi cynhyrfu mewn ffordd sy’n deall eu trawma
- Gwybodaeth am amrywiaeth o opsiynau ar gyfer hawliau’r rheini sy’n cael eu cam-drin yn rhywiol
- Dealltwriaeth o Ddiogelu, a’r cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r materion hyn.
- Gallu cysylltu â sefydliadau allanol
- Gallu gweithio dan bwysau a chynllunio a blaenoriaethu eich llwyth gwaith eich hun
- Gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol ag amrywiaeth o weithwyr proffesiynol
- Gallu sefydlu a chynnal ffiniau priodol wrth weithio â’r bobl sy’n wynebu argyfwng
- Gallu cynnal systemau swyddfa effeithiol a defnyddio cronfa ddata rheoli achos electronig
- Gallu rheoli amser yn effeithiol a blaenoriaethu tasgau sy’n cystadlu â’i gilydd
- Gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol sy’n ymwneud â cham-drin rhywiol
- Gwybodaeth am fudd-daliadau llesiant
- Dealltwriaeth o anghenion grwpiau lleiafrifol sy’n dioddef cam-drin rhywiol
- Sgiliau cyfathrebu rhagorol ar lafar ac ar bapur
- Dealltwriaeth o gyfleoedd cyfartal, ac ymrwymo i hynny
- Trwydded yrru lawn y DU a’r gallu i ddefnyddio eich car eich hun.
- Hyblygrwydd i deithio’n lleol ac ar draws siroedd eraill os oes angen.
Profiad Dymunol
- Darparu cymorth i unigolion sy’n cael eu cam-drin yn rhywiol, boed hynny mewn swydd gyflogedig neu wirfoddol NEU Sgiliau trosglwyddadwy amlwg a gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth dda o’r problemau sy’n wynebu plant a phobl ifanc dioddef Cam-drin rhywiol.
- Profiad o gynnal sesiynau therapiwtig gyda phlant a phobl ifanc.
- Asesu risg a chynllunio cymorth/diogelwch
- Cofnodi data – profiad o systemau cofnodi data electronig yn ddelfrydol
- Ysgrifennu adroddiadau a chasglu a dadansoddi data
- Meithrin a chynnal partneriaethau
Priodweddau Personol
- Bod yn dosturiol ac yn empathig tuag at sefyllfa eich cleient.
- Gweithredu gyda gonestrwydd a pharch wrth weithio gyda’r holl gleientiaid, asiantaethau ac Unigolion
- Gweithio’n hyblyg fel aelod o dîm.
- Bod yn optimistaidd ynghylch y posibilrwydd o dwf a newid personol.
- Ysgogi unigolion ac asiantaethau i symud drwy gamau gweithredu a phrosesau gwneud penderfyniadau
Agweddau, Ymddangosiadau A Rhinweddau Personol
Mae’n ddymunol bod gan ddeiliad y swydd y galluoedd canlynol:
- Ymrwymiad i ymarfer gwrth-wahaniaethol
- Gallu asesu eich perfformiad eich hun yn feirniadol a myfyrio ar eich ymarfer eich hun
- Dibynadwy
- Effeithlon a phrydlon
- Cyson a hyblyg – gallu delio â gofynion sy’n newid ac sy’n cystadlu â’i gilydd
- Gallu meddwl yn greadigol a dangos blaengaredd
- Dull anfeirniadol ac anuniongyrchol o rymuso goroeswyr, ynghyd â’r gallu i ddeall anghenion unigol cleientiaid.
Cyfrifoldebau Corfforaethol
Nid yw’r dyletswyddau a’r cyfrifoldebau uchod yn gynhwysfawr: disgwylir i ddeiliaid y swydd gyflawni gwaith ar lefel a chyfrifoldeb tebyg pan ofynnir iddynt wneud hynny.
Bydd disgwyl i ddeiliad y swydd:
- Bod yn ymwybodol o holl bolisïau, gweithdrefnau, gwerthoedd a chodau ymddygiad proffesiynol y sefydliad a chydymffurfio â nhw a chynnal safonau ymarfer gorau.
- Cadw at yr holl reolau Iechyd a Diogelwch a chymryd gofal rhesymol i hyrwyddo eich iechyd a diogelwch chi ac eraill
- Gweithredu mewn ffordd sy’n cefnogi ac yn hyrwyddo Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal RASASC GC, sy’n anelu at sicrhau bod pawb yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal ac yn cael mynediad cyfartal at gyflogaeth a gwasanaethau.
- Gweithio mewn ffordd effeithiol, effeithlon a darbodus, ac awgrymu a rhoi gwell ffyrdd o weithio ar waith lle bynnag y bo modd.
Job Types: Full-time, Part-time, Permanent
Expected hours: 28 – 35 per week
- Day shift
- Monday to Friday
- Weekend availability
Work Location: In person